June 16

Environmental compliance strategies under the light of changes in the oil market.

Thursday Sept. 8, 2016

14:00 h - 16:00 h

Hamburg Messe

Conference area B

Room Kopenhagen 1 - 3


Maritime transportation industry is challenged as all other industries with the increased concern on human life impact. New technologies and fuels need to be developed to cope with new goal based legislations aiming to cap the emission levels in shipping. National and international organisations led by the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) are developing new rules and regulations. In a market stressed by the fast changes of the oil price and the continuous focus on the introduction of novel fuel types, it is important not to be locked with specific solutions and technologies. Ship owners and ship operators need to have options to choose from to secure they are running operations in compliance with the set of rules. The panel will be chaired by Paolo Tonon from Maersk Maritime Technology.

CIMAC likes to invite the Shipping Industry to present their view on the topic and highlight technology, products and solution opportunities for retrofits and newbuilding in the shipping market.

Don't miss this interesting panel discussion - be there!

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