CIMAC WG5 | White Paper: CCUS – Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Storage

The latest white paper from CIMAC WG5 ‘Exhaust Emissions Control' titled ‘CCUS – Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Storage’ is now published and available for download.

The IEA (International Energy Association) has consistently highlighted the important role of CCUS (Carbon Capture Utilisation and Storage) in achieving net zero emissions, indicating that without CCUS there would be limited or no solutions for tackling emissions from heavy industry sectors, including cement manufacturing. CCUS also provides an option to address emissions from existing energy assets, to support a cost-competitive scaling up of low-carbon hydrogen production, and to remove carbon from the atmosphere. On average, capture capacity of about 3 million tonnes of CO2 (MtCO2) has been added worldwide each year since 2010, with annual capture capacity now reaching over 40 MtCO2. However, many high-profile projects and government funding programmes have been terminated during the years. The combination of strengthened climate goals, an improved investment environment and new business models have set the stage for greater success than in the past for the coming years /1A/. The UN foresees CCUS technology as an important option in fighting climate change, estimating that CCUS technology could mitigate up to 6.3 gigatonnes of CO2 by 2050 /1B/. Figure 1 is showing the main steps of the CCUS process.

CCUS is not only of interest for land-based activities, but also the maritime sector is active in this field. IMO (International Maritime Organisation) has set ambitious future GHG reduction targets and the marine transport sector is therefore looking on different solutions to make vessels more climate friendly. Carbon Capture (CC) is an option being reviewed as relevant for certain ship segments. Intent of this document is to give the reader a general overview (status, development needs, challenges still to overcome, etc.) of some of the CCUS technologies and summary to existing activities that have reached the industrial piloting phase or seen as promising developments. In addition, DAC (Direct Air Capture) is briefly introduced. For further information on these technologies, the reader is referred to the quoted reference literature. There is also a large amount of (scientific) literature on technologies in the R&D phase, and recent announcements on new projects from different stakeholders, but those will not be included in this document due to their early development stage.

The publication can be downloaded from the below.

Download Publication [PDF]

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