Christoph Rofka - CIMAC Vice President, Communications, Senior Vice President, ABB Turbocharging

Christoph Rofka 
Vice President, CIMAC Board, 
Head of Global Product Group Medium-Low Speed and Rail, 
ABB Turbocharging


“When CIMAC was founded in 1951, the target was to establish an international organization to discuss and promote technical and scientific knowledge in the large engine technology sector. A collaborative approach is, so to say, in the genes of the association. 

When it comes to dealing with most demanding global challenges like the reduction of GHG emissions, only such a collaborative approach offers a fair chance to be successful. As such, CIMAC founded the GHG Strategy Group to identify smart ways to replace fossil fuels. The group chaired by ABB Turbocharging has already published four White Papers and a Position Paper. We will continue along the path to inform, discuss, propose solutions, so that we get closer to our target, step by step.” 

Anirudh Thekke Purayil
Phone: +49 69 6603 1149
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